Advantages — Valuable Discounts
Whenever CANNP is able to negotiate a favourable Member rate for our professionals, we are pleased to pass it along.
Meal Garden was developed with an agile approach, focused on solving the problems practitioners face day-to-day. Today, it is one of the go-to nutrition tools for hundreds of dedicated health practitioners in a variety of industries. Our goal is to provide the most versatile and capable platform for users to share with clients on the journey to a healthier, happier life.
Now CANNP Professional Members have a meal planning choice, at special pricing
Modernmeal helps nutritional professionals collect recipes, analyze nutritional data and provide client access to simplify meal planning. It is fabulous option for enhancing your business. The digital recipe tool allows you to create, search, import or copy recipes to build your collection. Build meal plans, scale servings, automatically create grocery lists, and easily share with clients. Access powerful nutritional analysis tool for any recipe in your account.
Create customized meal plans and group recipes into collections for your clients to give them great tasting, healthy options. Clients can use your prescribed meal plans, or create their own and track their daily nutritional values, instantly create digital grocery lists, and simplify cooking. Add to your client offering and the opportunity to supplement your income by exposing clients to this comprehensive and easy to use platform.
Special pricing for CANNP Members.
Practice Better is the complete nutrition practice management platform for health and wellness professionals. It is a one-stop solution for managing professional recommendations, bookings, payments and tracking client progress.
Customize your availability and allow clients to book on line. Create notes, protocols and recommendations for health concerns you routinely encounter. Set up modifiable templates to meet individual needs. It is a comprehensive solution to help you manage your practice and the entire client journey, with several pricing options as you grow.
Test drive for free and whenever you are comfortable, as a CANNP Member, you receive a special rate for six full months!
An Examine membership makes it easy to stay on top of nutrition research. Members get access to a comprehensive database of all the research on a supplement or health topic, 150+ summaries of the newest studies every month, and in-depth analysis of the most important and interesting studies. Every summary comes with references.
Health professionals: this is for you. Examine saves you time and tons of effort while making sure you stay ahead of the curve.
Special CANNP Member pricing from the Members only section.
Metabolic Balance ® Coach Program
Transform your nutrition practice with Metabolic Balance®—the perfect add-on to elevate your client results and boost your business! This program seamlessly integrates into both new and existing practices, allowing you to create personalized nutrition plans for your clients using the science of their own blood values so no two plans are ever the same!
Tradeshow Admissions
CANNP Members have special access privileges — either free or 2 for 1 — are many tradeshows across the country. All are announced through our weekly eblasts.
CANNP will, from time to time promote courses that offer special pricing for NNCP’s.