Qualifications — Renew

We are always pleased to welcome our returning Members back.

You do not need to log into the Members only area to renew.

Please ensure we have the following, and know that we will do our best to get your renewal processed quickly:

  • Complete the on-line Renewal Application form.
  • Complete the upgrading accounting, which can be sent using the Uploading button, or via email. CANNP requires 30 hours of upgrading and encourages mentoring when possible. You are welcome to count any source that has contributed to your health/nutrition knowledge or enhanced your business. Examples include books, podcasts, webinars, podcast seminars, research time as well as more formal courses. Please feel free to email to us if you have questions.
  • If you are with Brokerlink or Zensurance, you will be notified, as will CANNP, of your renewal. Please note you must remain a Member in good standing to qualify for the favourable rate. If you are not with either of these insurers, then a copy of your valid insurance policy is required.
  • Payment by cheque, on-line transfer or paypal or credit card through paypal.*
  • Credit card can also be taken via phone if you prefer (519) 787-2667.

*Use the “Add to Cart” button to pay by credit card or pay pal. For CC, use the “Check Out” link and then click on the “Don’t have a PayPal account” option.

Registered Nutritional Therapist Title**

Exclusively for NNCP’s who have 3 or more years of counselling experience in the field and who remain a NNCP in good standing. You must be and remain a professional CANNP member to use the title or any form of the title.

Please ensure we have the following, and allow several weeks for processing:

  1. Scan or email a complete and up-to-date resume.
  2. Scan or email a letter of 500-word maximum discussing business goals and philosophy.
  3. Scan or email 1 Case Study Summary (500-1000 word per)
  4. One-time payment of $75 must be remitted, which is in addition to the fee for your professional membership.

If you have over 5 years of experience, and wish to secure the new registered title, please contact us directly as we can perhaps simplify the process for you.

**You must also be a member in good standing and remain so in order to continue to have use of the title. The addition $75 covers the one-time cost of the title and cannot be applied to your yearly membership dues.

*Use the “Add to Cart” button to pay by credit card or pay pal. For CC, use the “Check Out” link and then click on the “Don’t have a PayPal account” option.