Questions & Answers

At CANNP we pride ourselves on being available to answer questions with no smoke or mirrors.


How do I join?
Simple. On the CANNP Home page you will find Join in 3 separate places: along the top menu, on the first photograph and at the very bottom. If accessing the top menu Join option, you will find the qualifications required for Membership. Be sure to both complete the application and remit payment.

Do I need a graduation certificate to join?
Yes we need proof of completion from a qualifying nutrition program.

Can I join before I receive official documentation of graduation?
Yes. Ask your school to verify your status in an email to us. Alternatively you can send in your application and we can add your graduation confirmation to your file when it is available.

Can I apply if I graduated from a program not on your recognized list?
Graduates of other programs are evaluated on an individual basis. Contact us directly for the list of information required.

Do I need to have practice insurance in place to join?
No, you will want to register with the CANNP at roughly the same time you secure insurance, particularly from one of our insurers, so that you will be eligible for the discounted rate.

Can I belong to more than one organization?
Yes, we are an unregulated profession which means you can join as many as you wish.

Why choose CANNP?
CANNP is a professional association with a unique focus on our Members; how to make your business as successful as possible; how to support you in light of the challenges related to  running a nutrition business in the current Canadian climate; how we can partner with you to provide you with the most encouragement. We do this through one-of-a-kind initiatives, discounts on products and services, our extensive benefit list and our readiness to answer all of your questions quickly and thoroughly.


How can I renew?
On the CANNP Home page you will find Renew in 3 separate places: along the top menu, on the first photograph and at the very bottom. If accessing the top menu Join option, you will find the qualifications required for renewing. You DO NOT have to log into the Members only area to renew. In fact, if you have inadvertently let your membership expire, you will be denied access. Be sure to complete the application as well as remit payment in a timely manner for continuity of membership.

Will you remind me when I am due to renew?
We will. In fact we send out 4 separate reminders — 3 electronically and one directly from our email. It is important to not let your Membership lapse as many insurers get a complete list of our Members every month.

What is the Membership Renewal Advantage?
This is an opportunity to share the good news about CANNP Membership with your colleagues. Each time someone successfully obtains Membership, and completes their application naming you as the referring party, you will get a $10 discount on your renewal, up to $100.

Where can I find client insurance and tax receipts?
Every welcome, and every renewal package, comes with a printed client insurance form. This form indicates the valid expiry date.  You will also find certificate stickers in your renewal package reflecting your new expiry date. Be sure to watch for these.

How much upgrading is required and how do I handle upgrading?
We require 30 hours of upgrading each year after year 1. We want to make upgrading attainable — no need to spend lots of money on courses. Power Hours count, books, webinars, research and writing time, formal courses — as long as the effort is related to nutrition or business building. Send us a list of what you have completed to Unless otherwise requested, no receipts or certificates required.

What if I have not completed all my upgrading?
Contact us. We are happy to discuss how we can help you out.

Registered Nutritional Therapist Title*

Who is eigible for the title?
Registered Nutritional Therapist is a title that reflects a professional with a minimum of 3 years of experience in the field and a clear focus. The qualifications include proof of expertise which is outlined in the Designation portion of the site.
Note that you must first be a CANNP member in good standing to obtain the title and to  continue using it

How much does the title cost?
The title comes with an ADDITIONAL one-time fee but to use the title all RNT’s must remain NNCP’s in good standing. 

*Please note the RNT title may not be eligible for use in all provinces and it is up to the practitioner to ensure they can legally use the title.


I’ve just graduated and don’t know where to start in setting up my practice.
As a professional member with CANNP, you have access to many business tools and support material.  CANNP is a great place to start in setting up your practice.

What if I have not Mentored this year?
Though mentoring used to be a requirement for renewal, it is now optional. While we do love volunteers to help out as mentors, you do not have to volunteer in order to renew. If you are interested in sharing your knowledge however, just let us know!

Can I get a mentor?
Upon request, we will add you to a wait list but since mentoring is on a volunteer basis, this list is lengthy. So we offer several other options: 1. A 12-part Mentoring series can be accessed and worked on independently. 2. Challenge and Accountability sessions provide an opportunity for attendees to be paired peer-to-peer to tackle business improvement challenges. We meet as a group twice a month during this time period, to discuss best practices. 3. Six of our most successful Mentors gather to answer your questions in a Mentoring Power Hour, several times a year.


What designation does CANNP offer?
NNCP which stands for Natural Nutritional — Clinical Practitioner. NNCP was originally chosen because it could be used in most provinces. With provincial changes, members must stay current and adhere to local laws that impact designations. NNCP’s encourage and educate regarding the impact of nutrition.

How can I become a Registered Nutritional Therapist?
The title is available exclusively to those members who continue to remain in good standing with CANNP as NNCP’s, and who have at minimum 3 years of experience in the field. There are qualification requirements meant to determine depth of knowledge and focus of the applicant. The title only considered valid in some provinces and it is up to the Member to determine whether it can be used legitimately.


Which insurance companies presently cover our services with the NNCP status?
Companies are updated in the Members only section of our site under Insurance. We ONLY advertise those companies who have sent us written confirmation of coverage, presently 5-6 depending on province. Many others also will cover our services but have not given their written confirmation. We get asked about validity of Membership every single day from a wide variety of insurers.

What can I do to further the cause of increasing insurance coverage?
Please consider engaging clients in the “1,000 Reasons Why” and send letters, which are provided in the For Your Use section, particularly to corporations. Our understanding is that putting pressure on insurers from the employers might be very powerful. At the same time, we urge professionals to not count on insurance but instead to be build a business that is valuable to clients. Individuals pay for many items of value, making insurance coverage simply a bonus. This is very important to long term success.

Can I be part of the extended health/dental program?
Sure but since CANNP is not an insurance company, we suggest you contact the broker directly (check in the Members only area.) She will provide you with all the most up-to-date information on the offering and qualifications.

Common Benefit Questions

How do I log into the Members Only area?
When you register with us you will be provided a username and password, either via email or in the information which comes with your Welcome package by mail. If you need assistance, please reach out to us.

How do I find all the benefits open to me?
As a Member everything you need will be available in one menu once you log into the Members only area under Members.

How will I know about a new offering?
All new offerings are announced in the weekly eblasts and can be accessed in the Members only area of

How will I know when the Power Hours are?
Power Hours are also promoted in the CANNP weekly eblasts.

When will I get a link for the Power Hour?
The link will come several times, about a week or several days before the Power Hour date. If you have registered and not received the link by the day before, please contact us.

What is Power Hour etiquette?
We would love it if you can join in 5 minutes early so that we can be sure everyone is admitted before commencing. Also adding your name to the chat will help to ensure we have accurate attendance and can refund monies as appropriate. Finally, please mute yourselves and if at all possible, don’t be a black box during the final portion when we hope to elicit discussion and questions.

When can I expect my Power Hour refund?
Once the Power Hour is completed, your refund will be out to you within a few days.

How can I get a free giveaway?
Click on the eblast link and make the request. You should receive the giveaway within hours.

What sorts of research avenues are available to me?
At no additional cost, professional members have access to a Research Library that highlights websites, journals, stats and apps found to be helpful to nutritionists and complementary practitioners. Much of the focus we provide centers on business development such as our newsletter articles, with back issues available to Members, and Power Hours podcasts. As well we have secured favourable rates for several research avenues.


What is your position on pursuing recognition?
Since public desire pushes all mainstream recognition, our focus is on ensuring the public knows what a NNCP can accomplish. Establishing our own brand as natural nutritionists is paramount to protecting our right to practice and much of our work is to support that effort. The idea is that Western medicine, insurance companies and government legislation will follow suit based on the success of our established practices. The key is to make our practitioners successful in their own right.

What is your position on pursuing regulation?
We are regularly in touch with government officials throughout the year. At this time, there is nothing on the books about the pursuit of regulation. Practitioners need to understand that regulation is meant for the protection of the public, not the practitioner, and since we do not cause harm to the public regulation is unlikely. Some feel that it offers an air of credibility, however we suggest that you check in with a naturopath or chiropractor to get an idea of how regulation has affected their practice.

Why does CANNP not have a certification process?
We are an unregulated profession, with no governing body, so the words “certified”, “registered” and “board certified” mean only that one is recognized by the institution that bestows the title. In the holistic nutrition field, we are mandated to not appear to be or represent ourselves as a regulated professional. In other words, we cannot do anything that might appear as though we are attempting to represent ourselves as, for example, a medical professional or naturopath.

How can I learn how to practice legally in my province?
Since regulations vary from province to province you are urged to check with local authorities or to purchase The Legal Guide for Canadian Holistic Nutritionists from


What makes the CANNP differnet?
The CANNP is presently the only member-driven, professional Association specifically for Canadian Nutritional Counsellors, with a focus on building successful careers in the field and providing exciting, innovative initiatives. We are paving the way and engaging like no other nutrition related association has before!

What is CANNP working on?
We have campaigns underway to establish holistic nutrition as an accepted and respected profession in Canada. Through enticing insurance coverage for clients and registering trademarks to protect our distinctiveness, we are always fostering ways of moving forward.

What are the next steps for the CANNP?
We are always pursuing innovative ways to enhance value for our Members and have some very exciting plans in the works. We will maintain our established efforts to help our Members build successful businesses and we will continue to enhance many of our existing programs. We will work to position our profession in a favourable, forthright and formidable direction.


I am no longer receiving weekly updated from CANNP — what do I do?
You may have inadvertently unsubscribed. To reinstate, please go to all the way to the bottom and click on Subscribe — under Stay in the Know. We try to only send to Members once a week. Often there is important news in the eblast.

What is the best option to reach you with a question?
We prefer emails to which are checked several times a day. Often phone messages are not responded to in as timely a fashion.