TrueView and the Vagal Tone Add-On
The must-have tool to assist practitioners in identifying areas in the body that require attention.
When used in conjunction with a lifestyle assessment or intake interview, TrueView makes the use of symptomatology more manageable and clarifies the overall picture. TrueView has all the qualities to make nutritional consultation, when used with your education and knowledge, more accurate, relevant and profitable.
And now there is an optional add-on which will help give a broader health picture taking into account the Vagal Tone status of the client. The addo-on works exactly like the rest of Trueview and comes with a separate sheet of vagal nerve exercises for you to review with your client.
Unlike other assessment tools on the market, TrueView is presented as 3 distinct areas — Nutrients, Body Systems and Chemicals/Toxins — making each more easily managed by clients, while providing practitioners with valuable information. TrueView has no repetitive questions within any one of the 3 test areas and any calculations required are already programmed in, making this innovative tool extremely easy to use and simple to explain. Of course the Vagal Tone is also a distinct area on it’s own.
As a practitioner, you simply copy and paste. You can have your client complete one, two or three sections at a time, giving you a basis to encourage follow-up appointments.
What does it include?
TrueView comes with:
- Three Word documents to share with your clients;
- Three Excel spreadsheets to easily determine areas of health that require attention;
- Three FOCUS documents (Excel charts) that help interpret results and determine guidelines for clients.
How does it work?
1. Determine how you think the client will best be served — i.e. doing all three TrueView options together, or separately over several appointments.
2. Send the client the word document(s), which can be completed on the computer and returned directly to your inbox — all via email. Answers are inserted as whole numbers from 0 to 5 based on how frequent or severe the symptom. The instructions can be found at the beginning of each TrueView and are simple to follow.
3. Once the practitioner receives the client input, the areas that require attention are calculated using the provided Excel document and a simple cut-and-paste function. It’s just that simple!
4. TrueView provides several ways for the practitioner to see the results. The tabs at the bottom of each Excel document allow navigation among the various spreadsheets. The Overview sheet provides a reminder of the simple instructions and The Vision is the spreadsheet used in step three, above, to input client data.
5. At a Glance automatically generates a chart giving a clear indication of areas that require attention, unique to each client. The longer the line, the more attention is required.
6. The Details sheet is automatically populated with the health factors corresponding to each area requiring attention, based on the information provided in step 3, The Vision.
7. Once the areas of attention are determined, the practitioner can use the FOCUS document (one for each of the three TrueView options) as a starting point to help interpret results and determine guidelines about dietary, lifestyle and supplement recommendations as they relate to each area. FOCUS is a simple chart guideline based on commonly held holistic practices to provide a potential protocol direction based on the TrueView findings. It is important to always be sure to respect the laws of your province and stay within your scope of practice.
What makes TrueView different from the others?
TrueView is simple for both the client and the practitioner.
TrueView does not require the practitioner to do any calculations.
TrueView contains no difficult medical jargon or questions open to interpretation.
TrueView uses well-defined, specific language.
TrueView has no redundant questions within the same option, though health factors may be repeated from one TrueView option to the other e.g. ‘Headache’ will show up in Nutrients, Body Systems and Chemicals/Toxins.
TrueView is both concise and comprehensive.
TrueView allows the practitioner to use the program again and again, all for a one-time payment. All in all, this must-have tool is bound to make consultations more meaningful and accurate, while taking less time to implement and interpret.
How can I purchase TrueView?
TrueView is available to CANNP Members for $120. Available in the CANNP Store. There is will also find the Vagal Tone add on for $40.
TrueView – Sample of what to send to client
TrueView Sample worksheet (Once open, review the “Overview” on Worksheet 1 for specific instructions.)
TrueView Sample of related FOCUS
TrueView “how-to” presentation